
14th August 2020

$3,000 Recovery Grant


The NSW state government has made available recovery grants of up to $3,000  to eligible NSW small business owners.  Applications opened on 1 July and will remain open until 16 August 2020.   For more information and to see if you are eligible, please see here.

Arts funding of $250 million

On 26 June the government announced $250 million in funding to support the arts.  This has been allocated as follows:

  • $75M in grants for live events,
  • $90M in concessional loans for productions and events,
  • $50M in film and television support
  • $35M in funding for arts and culture organisations

$75M in grants for live events

This is made up of grants between $75K and $200K to help “production and event businesses put on new festivals, concerts, tours and events as social distancing eases”.  Businesses will need to bid for these competitive grants based on audience type, track record, sustainability and job creation. Unfortunately, there is no information available yet on how these grants will be administered.  Stay tuned!

$90M in concessional loans for productions and events

Called “show starter loans” they are Commonwealth guaranteed concessional bank loans to fund new productions and events.  The loans will be provided to eligible companies for activities that generate jobs. Lenders will provide facilities that only have to be drawn down if needed with terms of up to 5 years, with an initial 12 month payment deferral. If you are interested in these loans please speak with your bank.

$50M in film and television support

Administered by Screen Australia and designed to help local film and television producers secure finance and restart filming and production. This fund will operate for 12 months starting 1 July 2020.  If you are interested in this funding, please speak with Screen Australia.

$35M in funding for arts and culture organisations

Spent on direct grants to Commonwealth funded arts and culture organisations facing threats to their viability because of the pandemic disruption. Funding will be delivered through existing funding arrangements organisations have with the Australia Council and is for “important and successful companies, large and small, from across all art forms—including dance, visual arts, Indigenous arts, music, literature and theatre.” If this sounds like your organisation please speak with your contact at Australia Council.

Should you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me.

The Cassell & Co Team